For holistic ways of healing from cancer
At Sri Sri Cancer Care, we offer various types of treatment to cancer with our holistic approach in dealing with the disease. Our treatment are formulated and designed to meet overall requirement of a patient for better understanding of the self, the disease, prognosis, rejuvenation, survival and longevity.
Mind Over Body
Our mind is a powerful force of healing.
Using the power of the mind to influence body’s physical response, our protocol improves on emotional, physical and spiritual well-being which mainstream medical approach seldom addresses stress, anxiety and depression are known to be significant factors in the onset and progression of a wide spectrum of illnesses ranging from cancer and autoimmune disorders to asthma and cardiovascular disease.
Breathing is the most powerful intervention to detox!
80 percent of the toxins in our body are released through the outgoing breath. Sudarshan Kriya, Pranayam and its accompanying practices are time-honored stress management and health promotion techniques whose health benefits are being validated by modern medical science.
Yoga and meditation are interventions which have been helping a significant role in healing our cancer patients. These techniques help in cancer-relevant psychological and somatic symptoms, including mood, fatigue, pain, sleep, and quality of life.
Regular easing stretches, specific yoga asanas and appropriate mudras based on the time of the day and the need of the person are incorporated in the process.
At Sri Sri Cancer Care, patient’s daily routine and lifestyle is meticulously observed. Since it holds a significant impact on the overall wellness and effectiveness of treatment, based on the condition of patient, daily routine is planned and patients will be advised with certain lifestyle corrections.
Listening to knowledge talks, meditating regularly and chanting Mantras helps keeping up the morale high. These have the instant benefits of uplifting the mental state of the people who no longer feel they are suffering.
Listening to knowledge talks, helps keeping up the morale high. These have the instant benefits of uplifting the mental state of the people who no longer feel they are suffering.
Many studies have shown the benefits of meditation to be real and profound. Simply by meditating, people have been able to reduce the amount of stress they feel in their lives, alleviate physical pain, deepen awareness, relax muscle tension, improve mind-body coordination, achieve a sense of peace and joy, see more possibilities, and even reduce biological age.
Cancer not only affects your body — it affects your thoughts and feelings, too. Supporting and pulling them out of the trauma, through Counselling (Trauma incidence reduction) and through motivational sessions.
Cleansing and Immunization
Cleansing and immunization processes guide through an art of appropriate living that help patients achieve healing and longevity. It also enhance the emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being of a patient through specific panchakarma treatments which are selected based on patient’s fitness, cancer site and stage. Specially prepared classical ayurveda medicines are used to target cancer cells which also assure no treatment complications or side effects are caused while the patient is on chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
At Sri Sri Cancer Care, the process of body detoxification is done through some of the major and minor ayurveda panchakarma therapies considering patient’s fitness, cancer site and stage of cancer.
These panchakarma therapies bring about symptomatic relief in cancer complications and also supports the localized healing.
Rejuvenation is a very important aspect for disease cure as well as disease prevention. It helps to regenerate new healthy cells in the body. This also work towards enhancing positive mind which is free of stress and sufferings.
Rasayana or rejuvenation is a form of treatment in which all the tissues are nourished and enhanced. The nourishment of vital tissues helps in stopping old age in general and reducing the speed of deterioration in cancer specifically.
Thus it is useful for enhancement of qualities of life, span of life, enhanced physical strength and easy living. It enhances the immunity of an individual leading to health.
Our medical interventions focus on quality life. It reduces the additional body weakness produced as an after effect of strong treatments. It is difficult to fight against cancer and get back the body strength at the same time.
Protocol followed at Sri Sri Cancer Care work as a boon by its holistic approach of handling both at the same time, by nullifying the side effects of other current treatments. Techniques and treatments in Sri Sri Cancer Care focus on the natural life force energy and provide a better healing to the patients.
Screening is done based on thorough lab investigations, local examinations, pulse diagnosis and the symptoms specified as per Ayurvedic diagnostic methodologies. Our team of doctors from Ayurveda and Allopathy discipline plan out the best personalized treatment protocols along with disease monitoring at regular intervals.
Supportive Treatments
Supportive therapies at Sri Sri Cancer Care are preventive, curative, holistic and natural in general sense. These therapies compliment with any other form of cancer care treatment. Due to it’s natural form and accelerated healing effects, patients are highly benefited in the process of resuming back to normalcy or enhancing the quality of life while under treatment. Considering several medical parameters and stage of cancer, these alternative therapies are recommended.
Marma is an ancient science which is derived through Ayurveda practices. Marma are vital points in the body along the subtle channels called Nadis similar to meridians in the Chinese system of medicine. That carry ‘Prana’ the vital life force energy. Just as in the physical body when passageways become blocked by toxins, the tiniest of mental distress can cloud or obstruct these points, reducing the flow of energy.
The Marma technique is potentially the most restorative of the Ayurvedic treatments as it harmonizes the body’s built-in energy network. This is widely popular as a procedure to restore / maintain health.
Marma therapy at Sri Sri Cancer Care helps in enhancing the immune system and impart longevity, by ensuring the proper balance and flow of hormones, fluids, immune factors etc. While Marma therapy supports healing the disease, it is also useful as a technique that brings mental tranquility.
Triggered natural body healing
Cranio Sacral Therapy is a profound, non-invasive, healing process that works through gentle touch to release stress, disturbance, injury and deep-seated trauma. It is known to benefit an entire range of problems, from minor aches and pains to various severe chronic conditions.
CST is a holistic technique that works through the various levels in the body impacting the musculoskeletal, nervous, cardio-vascular, circulatory and immune systems as well as the organs, tissues and fasciae. It triggers the body’s self-healing mechanisms to relieve diseases, symptoms and root causes. A CST session could be between 45 minutes to an hour. The number of sessions required could vary depending on the severity of the condition.
Accelerated tissue healing
One of the major issues contributing to ineffective medical treatment of cancer is the occurrence of local hypoxia within the central tumor areas. The application of HBOT could help overcome the problem of oxygen deficiency in the poorly oxygenated regions of the neoplastic tissue. The benefits of decreasing edema and pain mean that the need for certain medications may also be minimized. The therapy has shown inhibitory and preventive actions for some kinds of cancer like breast cancer etc and also administered in most kinds of cancers.
Music heals! Listening to / singing specific ragas have evident positive response from one’s brain and hormone’ physiology. Music is an integral part, giving relaxation and hence pain relief.
Music therapy is the practice of using music to address your physical and emotional needs in a therapeutic environment. The use of music is tailored to focus on therapeutic aims such as improving mood and promoting relaxation and motivation. Techniques are selected from a variety of options based on patients’ needs, expressed preferences and music therapist’s assessment.
Modern, western science provides the most convincing evidence of the power of sound to shape and transform matter, even alter cellular structure and molecular structure & the DNA encoding.
Some of the ways that sound can aid healing:
Relief from stress and anxiety.
Brain hemisphere balancing.
Restoration of equilibrium in the endocrine system by vibrating the pituitary.
Relief of sinus congestion and headaches.
Induction of alpha brainwave activity or deep meditation.
Increased energy through stimulation of the cerebrospinal fluid.
Easier access to higher consciousness.
Healing with calm and courageous mind
Counselling is a process of one to one interaction between a therapist and the patient, where a therapist enables a person to talk about the issues or emotional difficulties that are bothering them. Expressing difficult thoughts and feelings through the process of counselling can help the patient begin to understand them and move towards a way of dealing with the changes in their life brought about by cancer. Creating a calm, peaceful mind and environment in spite of the severity of the disease takes a major role in cancer healing. We energize and educate the person to fight with various aspects of cancer trauma. The counselling supports are provided to the patients as well as the family members who are closely working with the patient.
Our counselors includes experts in modern psychology, yoga and traditional system of Ayurveda. A detailed psycho-therapeutic plan is made and patient is given sessions. At follow ups, patient is re assessed periodically. Key components of Sri Sri Cancer Care counselling are compassion, non judgmental understanding and confidentiality.
Meru Chiktsa means, “setting right using the spine”. Meru chikitsa is ancient ayurvedic healing involving light touches on the body. Meru chikitsa allows us relax into our deepest nature which increases awareness, grants access to infinite energy and creates a state of well being eliminating stress, disease and pain.
Benefits of Meru Chikitsa:
- Overall improvement in health and well being and better management of side effects.
- Reduces aches and pains in the body.
- Increases body awareness and improve mind-body connection.
- More energy and less fatigue in the system.
- Improved emotional and mental health.
Rakkenho is a Japanese form of altruistic yoga. It is a technique founded by Yugen Yamanouchi, a priest from the Shingon Esoteric Buddhist tradition. It is a whole body approach where the therapist uses their legs. By using the soles of the feet, the therapist slowly and gently presses the patient’s body at different pressure points across the whole body.
The focus is mainly on deep tissues, muscles, body mass & some of the joints. Tight and hardened muscles are thoroughly massaged; the whole body loosens and relaxes, allowing for the natural flow of healing energies.
Commonly found benefits of Rakkenho Therapy:
- Releases stress at all levels – physical, mental and emotional.
- Boosts blood circulation which in turn heals damage tissues.
- Activates the vagus nerve and restores body energy flow.
- Improves lymphatic channel circulation.
Herbal Therapy
The primary objective of herbal therapies include preventive measures, cancer cell targeted treatments and prevention of recurrence by directly disintegrating the pathological causes like functional reasons, structural reasons and pathological chain as mentioned in classical Ayurveda. Herbal therapy also address the disease by enhancing the immune system, reducing the side effects of conventional therapies and enhancing the quality of life during cancer treatment.
Immuno modulatory herbs are the bio enhancers derived from natural resources and it improve body’s immune response against cancer. They play important roles in your body’s normal immune responses by stimulating or suppressing the system. Due to the active substances such as alkaloids, flavonoids, phenolics, terpenoids etc these many herbal drugs acts as immunostimulants
Shakthi Immune Drops, an ayurvedic poly-herbal formulation is an effective propitiatory medicine of Sri Sri Tattva for immuno modulator activity. It is a pure water extract of eight herbs which are one hundred percent organic certified.
The formulation is prepared in laboratory with authenticated organic plant drugs and helps improve overall immunity of an individual.
Read more about how Shakthi drops can help in treating cancer
The enhancement of metabolic activity is a standard practice which is followed for all kinds of disease management in Ayurevda. We identify different thermic metabolism in different body types and different pathologies. By increasing the thermal metabolism we target on burning out toxins and extra calories of the body which in-turn assist body’s normal detoxification process. The herbs which improve thermal metabolism of the disease affected organs are selected and administered to patients for a natural detoxification and healing.
Our food, water, air, environment are being contaminated every single day. The body is exposed to poison by these carcinogenic chemicals and other harmful substances. According to national cancer institute 75% of all cancers are toxin related whereas Columbia university of public health reported that 95% cancers are related to diet and environment we live in. The concept of Ama (free radicals) in Ayurveda defines the toxins of functional and tissue levels of the body. Research says antioxidant properties in the medicinal herbs help preventing free radical damage associated with cancer. Ayurveda also specify special detoxifying herbs particular to different body tissues.
Liver is body’s natural detoxifier. A healthy liver can detoxify almost everything that a person encounters. Liver plays a major role in managing the toxins we ingest because blood goes to the liver from the digestive tract before being circulated throughout the body. Research says Hepato protective plants containing anti-oxidants have preventive and therapeutic effects on liver diseases and cancer.
Certain organic herbs and Sri Sri Tattva proprietary Ayurveda medicines used in our line of medication are proven to immensely help in liver cleansing and detoxification process.
Several researches demonstrated the fact that extracts from a number of herbal drugs exhibit anti cancer activities. There are number of studies which prove that the anti cancer properties of theses herbs are produced by enhancing immune system, inducing cell differentiation, inhibiting telomerase activities and inducing apoptosis of cancer. It is found that herbal anti-cancer drugs are less likely to cause any kind of side effects and dependency. Anti-inflammatory properties of the herbs supports in cancer treatments.
Diet and Nutrition
Supportive therapies at Sri Sri Cancer Care are preventive, curative, holistic and natural in general sense. These therapies compliment with any other form of cancer care treatment. Due to it’s natural form and accelerated healing effects, patients are highly benefited in the process of resuming back to normalcy or enhancing the quality of life while under treatment. Considering several medical parameters and stage of cancer, these alternative therapies are recommended.
Diet counselling is an integral part of cancer treatment in Ayurveda. A proper diet is extremely important to enhance the effectiveness of medicines. In our diet counselling our counselors helps patient and guardians identify probable cause of the disease and recommend diet and nutrition for preventive care.
The quantity and quality of food, food timings, diet combinations, special food habits in association with routine activities and lifestyle practices are analysed in detail by the diet counselor and remedy is discussed to bring back the health to normalcy or enhanced quality of life.
Raw food and juice cleansing process involve fresh raw vegetable diet, fruit diet, mono-fruit diet, fresh green juice diet for few days. This is decided by our expert doctors based on the type and stages of the disease and patient’s general food habits.
During the process, food itself act as a cleansing medicine. These foods may be recommended along with patient’s regular diet chart. Only a selected body types are recommended for a complete raw food cleansing.
This is the special diet pattern which has to be strictly followed during cleansing and immunization therapies (Ayurveda Panchakarma). Easily digesting light food are recommended without compromising on essential nutrients. These diets are recommended during preparatory and post panchakarma therapy. The diet during preparatory procedures of panchakarma is meant to support Ayurveda purification treatment through panchakarma.
Post purification therapies, a step by step introduction of every food is recommended to improves the digestive capacity and metabolism. The timing of the diet are decided based on patient’s appetite.
This is the general diet which patients are asked to follow at home. The diet is specially chosen for healing and nutritive purpose. The Dietary need of an individual based on different body type, stage of the disease, age and digestive capacity are considered. The non-supportive and contradictory food items with respect to the disease are avoided and proper supplementation or substitutes are added to the diet chart, if necessary.
Preventive cooking measures guide through the rules of healthy cooking methods, awareness on carcinogenic cooking utensils, food products, etc. This make sure that you are avoiding all kinds of carcinogenic food processing patterns and hence avoiding the causes of cancer onset and recurrence.
Panchagavya Therapy
Panchagavya therapy, also known as Cow Therapy, is an immune-modulatory form of ayurvedic medical treatment derived from ancient Indian system of using five products of Indian breed of cows. Panchagavya is a classical collective name of five products of cow which are milk, curd, ghee, cow urine and cow dung.
The benefits of antimicrobial properties in products derived from cow has been mentioned in ancient Indian scriptures, which are also proven in various research studies conducted by modern science researchers for treatment of cancer.
- Enhances life force energy and strengthens immune system.
- Enhances digestive capacity and help in liver detoxification process.
- Helps in maintaining balance and production of red blood cells and hemoglobin.
- Alkaline property of cow products help in strengthening the capacity to destroy cancer cells.
- Antimicrobial and germicidal properties in cow urine promote healing physically, mentally and spiritually.
Research on Panchagavya Therapy for treatment of Cancer
Press release on Panchagavya by Ministry of Ayush, Government of India

Sri Sri College of Ayurvedic Science and Research Hospital is an ISO:9001 certified and NABH accredited hospital for patient safety and quality of care.